Unified Reporting for Project Test Suites and Test Cases

This document gives a brief overview of the process to generate unified report for project.

The Avo Assure team has enhanced the feature to provide a streamlined, efficient, and comprehensive approach to analyzing test execution results. By allowing the download of a single, detailed PDF report, users can gain a holistic understanding of the execution process.

This improvement is designed to save valuable time and enhance the decision-making process for roles including Quality Managers, Quality Leads, and Quality Engineers, ultimately leading to more informed and strategic outcomes in the quality assurance domain.

  1. Navigate to the Avo Assure home screen

  2. Select the project from the All Project list and click the Report button, and the Report window will be displayed

  3. Select the Execution Profile Card to view the reports of the execution profile. For the selected execution profile, the Execution list will be displayed

  4. Click the Download icon to o download the reports, and the Download dialog box will be displayed

  5. Select the Executive Summary and Summary radio buttons from the Export Level to download the executive summary and summary reports

  6. Click the Download button, and the report will be downloaded in the downloads folder

  7. In the Executive Summary report, the user can view the total number of Test Suites and the total number of test case execution details

  8. In the Summary report, the user can view the total number of test suites and the total number of test case execution details, and also the Test Suite Execution Status for each test suite

  9. Select the Detailed radio button from the Export Level to download the detailed reports

  10. Select the Export PDF radio button from the File Type to download the detailed reports in PDF format

  11. Select the Export JSON radio button from the File Type to download the detailed reports in JSON format

  12. Click the Download button, and the report will be downloaded in the downloads folder

  13. In the Detailed report, the user can view the total test no. of suites, the total no. of testcase execution details, and the Details for each testcase in the Report

Last updated