LLM Model

This document provides the steps to work with LLM model.

Add LLM Model

  1. Login in to Avo Assure with admin credentials

  2. Navigate to Admin tab from the landing page > Feature Management > LLM Model

  3. Click Create button to navigate to Add LLM Model

  4. Enter the mandatory details in Add LLM Modal window

a. Name: Enter Name of LLM Model in Name Field b. Model: Select type of Model from dropdown

c. Deployment Name: Select Deployment name from the dropdown

d. API Version: Enter the API Version in API Version Field

e. Base URL: Enter the Base URL in Base URL

f. Token: Enter Token in Token Field

  1. Click Create button

Manage LLM Model

Edit Model Details

  1. Login into Avo Assure with admin credentials

  2. Navigate to Admin Section > Feature Management > LLM Model

  3. Select the required model and click the Edit icon

  4. Edit the required details

  1. Click Save button to save the updated changes

Delete Model

  1. Login into Avo Assure with admin credentials

  2. Navigate to Admin Section > Feature Management > LLM Model

  3. Click Delete Icon for required model

Last updated