Get Text from Object
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This is pre-built Action located under the Table captured from the AUT Element Name. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to fetch the text from the table cell and save the results in the output variable.
Input: <Row>; <Col>; <Object Type>;<index>
Note: For above Syntax user need to give the row number and column number of which table cell user wants to fetch the text, Object type, and the index (Element Index of the cell).
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
You are testing an online employee management system where a table displays a list of employees and their details. One of the columns in the table contains an "Employee Name" field, which is a textbox that allows the user to input or edit the name of an employee.
Your task is to verify that the employee name entered in the textbox for a particular row is correctly displayed. For example, user need to retrieve the employee name from the third row of the employee table.
The "Get Text from Object" Action needs to retrieve the value from the "Employee Name" textbox in the third row and second column of the table and save it in the {result} Output Variable.
The "Get Text from Object" Action is easily retrieve the value from a textbox in a table cell as John Doe and save it in the {result} Output Variable which can be utilized for display or other purposes.