Selective Cell by Cell Compare

This is pre-built Action located under the @Generic Element Name. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to compare file by checking Selective cell by cell and save the result in the given output variable.

Note: it can compare pair of Excel files OR CSV files OR an Excel and a CSV file.

Input: <CSV/Excel file path1>; <Sheet name (optional)>; <Cell selection>; <CSV/Excel file path2>; <Sheet name (optional)>; <Cell selection>; <IgnoreCase (optional)>  

  • In above syntax user need to give 1st excel file path to get compared with other file, sheet name and the cell selection (for example, if the cell is in B column and on 2nd row then cell selection will be B2) of 1st file along with 2nd CSV/Excel’s file path, cell selection of 2nd file.

  • If the final argument by the user is specified as ‘ignorecase’ (case insensitive), then the comparison done between the selected cells will be by ignoring the case of the cell values.

Output: <Dynamic Variable>;<Dynamic Variable>(Optional) 

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