Select Tree Element
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It is pre-built action in Avo Assure which is found for the tree type of elements captured from the SAP application. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to select an element of a tree in the SAP application whose path has been specified in the input value. It used for interacting with hierarchical tree structures within the SAP GUI interface. It particularly useful in automating tasks where navigating through a tree structure is required.
Input: <Path1>; <Path2>;…;<>; <ColNum/Name> (optional); <ColVal>(optional); <>; <Item in Node>(optional)>
Path 1: The path of hierarchical tree node structure in SAP Application.
Path 2: The path of captured tree node structure.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(optional);< Dynamic Variable> (Optional)
Consider a scenario where user is testing SAP Application and needs to navigate through hierarchical tree structure in SAP GUI Application. For this scenario the Select Tree Element action used by Avo Assure. It navigates the SAP. Tree control element and selects the Column 2 element. It Verify that the action correctly selects the element.
The select tree element action needs to navigate through tree structure in SAP Application.
The select tree element action performed on tree structure in SAP Application.