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This ‘verifyAttribute’ is pre-built Action comes for the captured Element. It instructs the Avo Assure client to verify the attribute name provided in the input value and store the result in the output variable.
Input: <Attribute Name>;<Attribute Value (Optional)>;<css>(Optional)
Note: The attribute name specifies the property or characteristic of an HTML element. For example, id, class, href, and src are attribute names. These are predefined in HTML and help define the purpose or behavior of the element.
The attribute value is assigned to an attribute name and specifies the particular property or behavior for the element. It typically appears in quotes.
When user want to verify attribute that is present inside the HTML tag, user don't need to mention the CSS. However, if the user wants to verify the attribute from the CSS file, then user must mention the CSS in the input field.
Output: <Dynamic Variable> ;<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
Consider a scenario where you are testing a health application. The goal is to verify a captured element. Using the ‘verifyAttribute’
Action, you can validate the attribute of an element against a provided input value and store the result in an output variable.
Input: type
Expected result: This action should verify input value with attribute value and store the result in output variable as true in output variable {Status} as true. Output: The action verifies attribute value with input value and output variable {status} contains ‘true’, which can be used display or further processing.