Verify Count
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This ‘verifyCount’ is pre-built Action located under the Dropdown captured Element. It instructs the Avo Assure client to verify if the count of items given in the input value and the total count of dropdown options match or not. The status True/False will be displayed in the output variable.
Input: <Input value>
The input value is the numerical value which represents the expected count to be verified against the actual count.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
Consider a scenario where you are checking whether the expected number of divisions that is 5 are listed for the 7th class in the school admission app. You need to choose the 7th class division dropdown as the Element and the ‘verifyCount’ action in Avo Assure to compare the number you entered in the input value with the total divisions shown in the dropdown. If the numbers match, it will save true in output variable else the value saved in output variable will be False.
Input: user added input as a 5
Expected result: This action needs to verify given input count.
Output: The action performs successfully, and output variable {Status} contains True.