Get Key Status
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This action in Avo Assure is available under @Generic element. It instructs Avo Assure client to check num lock, caps lock, and scroll lock are ON or OFF, and it will showcase the result in the output variable. If the action is executed successfully then it shows true otherwise false.
Input: <Toggle Key>
A toggle key is a keyboard key that switches between two states with each press. For example, Caps Lock turns uppercase letters on and off.
Num=for Num Lock
Caps =for Caps Lock
Scroll =for Scroll Lock
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
In this scenario, you are testing a text input application where you can toggle keys such as Num Lock and Caps Lock. It's important to ensure that these keys affect the input as expected.
In this example, you are checking the caps lock is on or off; for that purpose, user is using the ‘Get Key Status’ action. This action will check the caps lock is on or off, and the output will store in status.
The input section toggle key passes as a caps.
It needs to display the status is true.
The output variable {Status} contains the true value, which can be utilized for display or other purposes.