Element Repository
The Element Repository in Avo Assure is a central location where users can capture element and quickly locate and manage captured elements within a single project. This facilitates the easy tests creation and maintenance, parallelly enhancing teamwork, and reducing the repeated work.
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This document includes:
Create Elements Repository Steps to create Element Repository and capture elements
Manage Repository Step to change the manage element of the element repository
Creation of Element Repository
Step-by-step process to create element repository in Avo Assure:
Click the Design Studio button from the top right pane of landing page to navigate to the Element Repository window.
Create Folder
There are 3 ways to create folder in Avo
a. Click + icon located in left pane
b. Click Create Folder button
c. Press Shift+F from keyboard
Click View More icon, click Create Repository button and select Application Types from dropdown for capturing application elements.
There are 3 ways in which Element Repositories can be created
Using the + icon across the Element Repositories folder’
Clicking the View more (...) icon across an Element folder
Using the shortcut Shift + T on the keyboard
Users can select multiple application types when creating an Element Repository
When selecting Web as the application type, follow the steps below
Name the repository
Name the repository with logical name
Last updated