Element Repository

The Element Repository in Avo Assure is a central location where users can capture element and quickly locate and manage captured elements within a single project. This facilitates the easy tests creation and maintenance, parallelly enhancing teamwork, and reducing the repeated work.

  1. Quality Manager

  2. Quality Lead

  3. Quality Engineer

This document includes:

Create Elements Repository Steps to create Element Repository and capture elements

Manage Repository Step to change the manage element of the element repository

Creation of Element Repository

Step-by-step process to create element repository in Avo Assure:

  1. Click the Design Studio button from the top right pane of landing page to navigate to the Element Repository window.

Create Folder

There are 3 ways to create folder in Avo

a. Click + icon located in left pane

b. Click Create Folder button

c. Press Shift+F from keyboard

Click View More icon, click Create Repository button and select Application Types from dropdown for capturing application elements.


  • There are 3 ways in which Element Repositories can be created

  • Using the + icon across the Element Repositories folder’

  • Clicking the View more (...) icon across an Element folder

  • Using the shortcut Shift + T on the keyboard

  • Users can select multiple application types when creating an Element Repository

  • When selecting Web as the application type, follow the steps below

Name the repository

Name the repository with logical name

Last updated
