Get Total Column Count
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This is a pre-built action in Avo Assure and comes under @Excel element. This action instructs Avo Assure Client to fetch the count of the total number of columns existing in the Excel file and save the result in the output variable.
Input: row number (optional)
Note: It is essential when the user needs column count of Particular row.
Output: <Dynamic Variable> ;< Dynamic Variable> (Optional)
Scenario: Verify Column Count in a User Management Table
You are testing a feature of an excel sheet. It ensures the User Management table on the admin dashboard displays the correct number of columns. This scenario ensures that the User Management table has the correct structure by verifying the number of columns.
Input Data:
In optional case, user gives a row number for specific work.
Expected Result:
The variable {Result}
holds the number of Total counts of column present in the Userdetails
sheet of the Excel file.
It should Store the Total counts of column in an output variable.
Output: The output variable {Result} contains the total counts of column in an excel sheet.