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Configuration enables customizing Avo Assure Client configurations based on the user requirement.
The different settings under configuration tabs are:
The Path Configuration tab enables defining essential Avo Assure Client connection settings, to make it interact efficiently with Avo Assure web application. Fields that need to be specified in this tab are:
Server Address: "The system hostname of the Web Server machine will auto set the Server Address field during registration. This value matches the hostname used in the AvoAssure product URL."
Server port: The server port hosting the Avo Assure Web Server gets auto filled as the Server Port text field on registration. This port number can be found in the Avo Assure URL. In case of using a patch updater default port number 443 can be used.
Chrome Path: The Chrome Path text field specifies the installation directory path of the Chrome browser. This field is applicable only for Chrome browser-based web applications and users can get the input either from the default installation path or a custom path where the Chrome browser is installed.
Note: If the value is "default", then the Avo Assure Client automatically searches for the installation directory of Chrome in the system.
Chrome Profile: Chrome Profile text field specifies the user profile’s path, if it can fetch any profile from the Chrome browser data. It is only applicable to the Chrome browser, and web applications where the input value is either default or path of the user's Chrome profile created via Avo Assure Client.
Extension Path: The Extension Path text field specifies the path to the folder containing extension files or directly to the extension files. This is applicable only for Chrome and Chromium browser-based web applications where the input value can be either default or a specific path to the extension files/folder. If set to default, no extension paths are configured.
Firefox Path: The Firefox Path text field specifies the installation directory path of the Firefox browser. This field is applicable only for Firefox browser-based web applications where the entered input value can either be the default or a custom path to the Firefox installation directory.
In case if it is set to "default," the Avo Assure Client automatically detects the Firefox installation directory on the system. Log file Path: The Log File Path text field specifies the path of the log file.
The user needs to create a folder named "Logs" (preferably inside the extracted folder).Browse its location.
The system searches for a log file in the selected folder. If it does not exist, the system creates one and enters its path in the text field.
Its default value for Windows is "C:/TestautoV2.log".
Its default value for Mac "/Users/username/Desktop/AvoAssure_Avo Assure Client/logs/TestautoV2.log".
Server Certificate: The text field for Server Certificate specifies the absolute path to the AvoAssure Web server certificate (server.crt). Browse for the "CA_BUNDLE" folder (inside the AvoAssure folder). The system for the "server.crt" files inside the specified folder and enters its path in the text field.
The input value is "path/to/server/certificate/file.crt".
Its default value is "./Scripts/CA_BUNDLE/server.crt".
The Time-out configuration tab allows you to set the required execution time, with each field offering different time settings.
Global Wait Time Out: The text field for Global Wait Timeout registers the time for which the tool needs to wait for an element to load on the AUT. It takes time in seconds as its input. The default value of ‘Global Wait Time Out’ is 0.
Note: ‘Global Wait Time Out’ will work only when the value of it in the Avo Assure Client configuration is greater than 0.
It is available for all scraped objects across the app types – Web, Mobile App, and Mobile Web.
This property is applicable for each scraped object but not for each Test step.
If the test case has the 'waitForElementVisible' keyword used on some scraped object and the value for 'Global Wait TimeOut' is also mentioned in Avo Assure Client configuration, then only the ‘Time Out’ of 'waitForElementVisible' will be considered for that object in that Test step.
Step Execution Wait: The text field for Step Execution Wait registers the time for which the tool needs to wait before it proceeds with the debugging or execution of the next step. It takes time (in seconds) as input with the default value of 0.1 second.
Display Variable Timeout: The text field for Display Variable Timeout indicates the time for which the display variable value popup needs to be visible during debugging or execution. It is applicable for the "displayVariableValue" keyword. It takes time (in seconds) as input with the default value of 1 second.
Connection Timeout: The text field for Connection Timeout registers timeout to disconnect Avo Assure Client from the server. It takes time (in hours) as input with the default value of 0 hours.
Max Retries for App Launch: The Max Retries for App Launch text field indicates the maximum number of retries to successfully launch the specified PDF Reader for the “normalizePDF” keyword in any test step. The default value is 20.
Time out: The text field for Time Out registers the time for which the tool needs to wait for an element to load on a web page. It is applicable for "waitForElementVisible" (web) and "waitForElementExist" (Android native) keywords. It takes time (in seconds) as input with the default value of 1 second.
Delay: The text field for Delay registers the time for which the tool needs to wait before it performs a "window switch" operation. It applies only to the Web. It takes time (in seconds) as input with the default value of 0.3 seconds.
Delay for string input: The text field for Delay for String Input indicates the time between keystroke events when performing keystroke operations. It is applicable for the "sendFunctionKeys" keyword. It takes time (in seconds) as input with the default value of 1 seconds.
Query Time out: The text field for Query Timeout registers the time for which the tool needs to wait while connecting to the database. It is applicable for database keywords. It takes time (in seconds) as input with the default value of 3 seconds.
The Settings tab includes troubleshooting options and access controls, allowing users to select different configurations based on their needs.
TLS Security: The radio button for TLS Security Level allows the user to bypass hostname verification and/or certificate verification of secure websites in case of unavailability of a valid certificate.
High- Enforce TLS Certificate and Hostname verification.
Med- Enforce TLS Certificate and Disable Hostname verification.
Low- Disable TLS Certificate and Hostname verification. [default]
Ignore AUT Certificate: The radio button for Ignore AUT Certificate indicates whether the AUT website's security certificates' errors are to be ignored. It is applicable only for IE.
Yes- Ignore the errors of the AUT website's security certificates.
No- Do not ignore the errors of the AUT website's security certificates. [default]
IE Architecture Type: The radio button for IE Architecture Type checks if the Client machine is 64-bit or 32-bit. Depending on the selection, it selects the IE driver.
64-bit: Select a 64-bit IE driver to launch the IE browser. [default]
32-bit: Select a 32-bit IE driver to launch the IE browser.
Exception flag: The radio button for Exception Flag determines whether to terminate the scenario and continue execution from the next scenario in the Test case or to continue executing the next step in case of the error "Object is not found".
True- The error "Object is not found" while executing scripts leads to the termination of the scenario. The execution continues from the next scenario in the Test case.
False- The error "Object is not found" does not affect the execution, which continues from the next test step. [default]
Ignore visibility check: The radio button for Ignore Visibility Check checks the element's visibility during execution and applies only to Web Applications.
Yes- Ignore the element's visibility during execution.
No- Do not ignore the element's visibility during execution. [default]
Screen shot flag: The ScreenShot Flag radio button facilitates capturing the test steps' screenshots based on their value.All- Capture screenshots for all the test steps. [default]
Fail- Capture screenshots of the failed test steps.
Http status code check: The HTTP Status Code Check radio button determines whether to continue to debug/execute or stop in case of AUT website status code errors like 400, 401, 404, 500, etc. It is applicable only for Web Applications.
Yes- Terminate debugging/execution in case of any website error. [default]
No- Continue debugging/execution irrespective of any website error.
Browser check: The radio button for Browser Check enables or disables the Browser Compatibility check based on the selection.
Yes- Check if the current Avo Assure Client patch is compatible with the browsers available in the system. [default]
No- Disable Browser Compatibility check.
Enable security check: The radio button for Enable Security Check provides an option for the IE browser to set all the security zones to the same level while executing the "openBrowser" keywords. It is applicable only when automating Web Applications in the IE browser.
Yes- Sets all security zones to the same level in IE browser while executing "openBrowser" keywords.
No- It doesn't check for the level of the security zones in the IE browser. [default]
Highlight check: When the user verifies the existence of an element using the "verifyExists" keyword, the radio button for Highlight Check highlights the element (or not) based on the selection. It is applicable only for the "verifyExists" keyword.
Yes- Highlight the element if it exists.
No- Do not highlight the element even if it exists. [default]
IRIS Object: The radio button for Prediction for IRIS Objects enables or disables IRIS prediction based on its value.
Yes- Enable IRIS Prediction.
No- Disable IRIS Prediction. [default]
Hide Soft. Keyboard: The radio button for Hide Soft. Keyboard indicates if the keypad, in Android devices, shows or not. It is applicable only for Android-based applications.
Yes- Hide the keypad.
No- Show the keypad. [default]
Extension Enable: The radio button for Extension Enable indicates that during debugging if an object in the script is not found, it allows the user to pause the debug process, scrape the required object, and continue executing the process.
Yes- Enable pause and scrape.
No- Disable pause and continue execution even if the object not found. [default]
Update check: The radio button for Update Check indicates if the Avo Assure Client should perform a check for the latest Avo Assure Client packages on connection establishment between the Avo Assure Client and server.
Yes- Check for updates on ‘Connect’.
No- Do not check for updates on ‘Connect’. [default]
Headless Mode: The radio button for Headless Mode indicates whether to run the scripts with the UI or not. It is applicable only for web applications and supports Chrome and Firefox.
Yes- Perform execution in headless mode.
No- Perform execution in normal mode (with UI). [default]
Clear Cache: The radio button for Clear Cache indicates whether to clear the cache or retain the cache for the browser launched by Avo Assure Client. It is applicable only for the Chrome browser.
Yes- Clear the Cache for the browser.
No- Retain the cache for the browser and enable the text field Chrome Profile to provide the user’s Chrome profile path. [default]
Screen Recording: The radio button for Screen Recording indicates users either to record the screen during the execution or not.
Yes- Record execution.
No- Do not record execution. [default]
Close browser: The radio button for Close Browser Popup indicates whether to close the popups generated by the browser (as and when generated) or keep them open. This is applicable for Web application types only.
Yes - whenever the browser generates a popup, close the popup. [default]
No - Do not close the popup generated by the browser.
Use custom Debug Port: The radio button for Use Custom Debug Port indicates whether to use a custom debug port (internally generated) to launch the browser. This is applicable for Web application types only.
Yes - It uses a custom debug port to launch the browser.
No - Uses the system default port to launch the browser. [default]
Note: This is applicable for only the Chrome browser and Chromium browser.
Disable screen timeout: The radio button for Disable Screen Timeout disables/enables the Screen Timeout during executions.
Yes – Disables the Screen timeout.
No – The screen timeout of the system will not be changed. [default]
Note: If Avo Assure Client is run as admin, then the Disable Screen Timeout option will be enabled.
If Avo Assure Client is NOT run as admin, then the Disable Screen Timeout option will be disabled.
Incognito Private mode: The radio button for Incognito Private mode helps in executing the testcases in incognito mode.
Yes - Enables incognito mode
No - Incognito mode gets disabled [default]
Kill stale process: The radio button for the Kill Stale Process indicates whether to kill the stale processes launched via Avo Assure before every execution is triggered.
Yes - Kills stale processes before the start of every execution. [default]
No - Retains processes started before every execution.
Browser Screenshots: The radio button for Browser Screenshots indicates whether to capture generic screenshots or via browser driver. This is applicable for Web application types only.
Yes - Captures browser screenshots using driver instance. [default]
No - Captures generic screenshots.
Logger level
The log level specifies the amount of detail displayed for Test steps. Click here to read about it in detail.
Navigate to Configurations tab and click on proxy Configuration.
Environments with restricted access to specific URLs require a proxy server to be set up. Restricted URLs can be accessed only after performing a proxy configuration.
Avo Assure provides the user with the option of enabling/ disabling the proxy.
If the user enables proxy configuration, the following fields will be editable by the user:
Proxy URL: It enters the proxy server to read data or change the settings.
Proxy Username: Required username to authenticate the user for the specified proxy URL.
Proxy Password: Required encrypted password (generated via AES method) to authenticate the user for the specified proxy URL.
To save the proxy configuration, click on the ‘Save’ button and confirm the proxy configuration changes.