Set Text
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This is pre-built Action located under the Table captured from the AUT Element Name. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to enter the text in specified cell of table whose details are mentioned in the Input Value of Avo Assure and save the result in the given output variable.
Input: <Row>;<Col>;<Object Type>;<index>;<text>
For above syntax user needs to provide row number and column number in which table cell user wants to set text along with object type, index and the text which need to be enter on specific table cell.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
On an e-commerce website's shopping cart page, there is a table displaying the items added to the cart, including the product name, price, quantity, and total cost. Each row in the table has a textbox where the user can update the quantity of the product. The "Set Text" Action is used to enter a new value in the quantity textbox within a specific table cell to test that the cart updates correctly when the user modifies the quantity of an item.
5;3; textbox;2;3
The "Set Text" Action needs to enter the value 3 in the quantity textbox located in fifth row of the third column in the table and save the status in Output Variable.
This Action enters 3 as a text in the table cell and save the status in the {result} Output Variable as True which can be utilized for display or other purposes.