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This action in Avo Assure under the @Generic element instructs the Avo Assure client to execute mathematical operation based on the provided input value and store the result in output variable.
Input: (<operand1>;<operator>; <operand2>)
An operand is the value or data that an operator acts upon. It can be a constant (number, string, etc.)
An operator is a mathematical operation or keyword that performs a specific operation on two or more operands.
Supported Input Format: Static values/ Dynamic variables
Supported operators: +, -, /, ^, *
Output: <Dynamic Variable>;<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
Use case/Example:
Scenario: Testing a Simple Calculator Application
Multiplication Test Scenario
In this scenario, you are testing a basic calculator application designed to perform arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, and multiplication. To multiply two numbers, you need to enter your desired values. During the debugging process, the specified operands, 10 and 5, will be multiplied, and the result will be stored in the output variable.
Input: In the given Input as (10) *(5)
Expected result: This action needs to get 50 as a result in the output variable.
Output: The output variable {Output} contains the value 50, which can be utilized for display or other purposes.