Press Toolbar Button
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This is pre-built Action comes for Captured Grid View in SAP Application Element category. It instructs the Avo Assure client to click on the button in the Gridview, which is the tooltip mentioned in the input.
Input: <Input Button ToolTip Text>
Note: user can get toolTip text in the grid view table.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
Consider a user is working on the SAP application. The SE16N transaction (VBAP Table) displays material details in a grid format. The user needs to automate the process of pressing a toolbar button to print table. With the help of the ‘Press Toolbar Button’ action, user can simulate the pressing of a toolbar button to trigger the desired action without manual intervention.
The Action needs to click on print button based on input.
The action is performed and it is clicked on print button based on input.