Set Cell Value IRIS
This is prebuilt action in Avo Assure, designed for table elements captured from desktop applications. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to input the text provided in the input value into an editable table cell of an IRIS object and stores the resulting status (True or False) in the output variable.
Input: <Row>;<Col>;<Text>;<option>(Optional)
Output: <Dynamic Variable>;<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)

Note: Optional simply means that creating a dynamic variable is optional for this action

Scenario: Update Inventory Data Using Set Cell Value in Inventory Management Application
Consider a scenario where an Inventory Management desktop application is being tested, and there is a need to update specific data in the inventory table based on Product ID or name row. For this scenario, the Set Cell Value IRIS action is used by Avo Assure. This action helps to modify values, such as updating the stock quantity for a particular product in the inventory table.
Excepted Result
The action needs to perform to select the given in the input.
The action performed and saved the status in the {Result} output variable as True.
Last updated
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