Avo iTDM

Why Was This Developed?

The objective was to introduce a more user-friendly Avo iTDM interface, addressing the complexity of the previous workflow. Our aim was to make the configuration process more straightforward and intuitive.

What is the Goal?

The Avo iTDM team has achieved this by consolidating all configuration options onto a single page. This major change has simplified the user experience by enabling configurations to be completed in one centralized location. Through this redesign, we've streamlined test data management, demonstrating our dedication to enhancing our product through user feedback and comprehensive usability studies.

How Does It Look?

New User Interface

1. Seamless Onboarding

2. Password Reset on First Time Log-in

Test Data Request Interface

Send Data Request

Admin Configuration Enhancements

How Does It Work?

New User Interface

1. Secure and Seamless Onboarding:

The Avo Assure team has introduced an enhanced onboarding process designed with end users in mind. By automating the initial steps required to begin using our platform, we aim to make the transition seamless and welcoming. Here's how we're doing it:

  • Welcoming Emails: To ensure a warm welcome and a clear path forward, new users will receive an email upon account creation. This email not only contains their account activation but also guides them through the first steps of using Avo Assure, including how to personalize their account and where to find helpful resources.

By streamlining these initial interactions, we're not just making things easier for new users; we're setting the tone for the positive, user-centric experience that is at the heart of everything we do. Welcome aboard!

2. Password Reset on First Time Log-in

Upon receiving the welcome email from Avo Assure, users are provided with a direct link to log into the Avo ITDM platform. This link is specially designed to streamline the login process, guiding users seamlessly to their new account with minimal effort.

To access the platform, users need to click on the link provided in their email, which leads them directly to the Password Reset page where they can reset their password for the first time. This method not only ensures secure access but also significantly simplifies the onboarding process, making it quick and user-friendly.

Test Data Request Interface

Send Data Request

To enhance the efficiency of data management within the Avo Assure platform, we've implemented a streamlined process for sending data requests directly to the Avo ITDM admin. This feature is particularly useful for users requiring access to specific sets of data.

  • Initiate Request: Users can easily initiate a data request from their dashboard by clicking the ‘New Request’ button.

  • Send Data Request: A simple form will appear, prompting users to detail the nature of their request and any relevant specifics that the admin might need to know.

  • Admin Review: Upon submission, the request is sent directly to the Avo ITDM admin team for review. The admin has the ability to approve, request further information, or deny the request based on compliance and security considerations.

This process ensures that data access and management remain both secure and user-friendly, aligning with our commitment to providing seamless and efficient solutions to our users.

Admin Configuration Enhancements

1. New Database Connection

Avo Assure now supports streamlined connections not only from a range of popular databases but also directly from .csv files. This new functionality enables admins to effortlessly configure connections by supplying essential parameters such as the file path for .csv files or the database type, hostname, port, and credentials for database connections. Note: Administrators can now configure Test Data Jobs through the enhanced Data Request Page, making it easier to manage and customize data for testing purposes.

Expanded Database Support for Obfuscation: Avo iTDM now supports a wider range of databases for data obfuscation, including:

  1. RDBMS: SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, SAP

  2. NoSQL: MongoDB, Cassandra, Azure NoSQL

  3. Files: CSV

  4. Cloud Storage: Azure Blob

  • CSV File Configuration: Admins can now directly upload .csv files, specifying the path and ensuring that data contained within is seamlessly integrated into the Avo Assure platform.

  • Popular Database Integration: For databases, admins are provided with a straightforward interface to select the database type (e.g., MySQL, Microsoft SQL server, Oracle) and enter connection details, enhancing efficiency and reducing the setup time considerably.

By offering this flexibility in data sources, Avo Assure ensures wider accessibility for users to work with their preferred data formats, making data management and testing more efficient and versatile.

2. Mapping Configuration

In the strategic enhancements to Avo Assure's admin configuration, a pivotal addition is the mapping functionality. This feature allows admins to seamlessly navigate to specific databases and schemas, facilitating an efficient data-sourcing process.

To initiate mapping:

  • Navigate to Database & Schema: From the admin dashboard, access the data source search functionality to locate your desired database schema by entering its name.

  • Select Data: Upon selecting a database, admins can further choose specific data sets they wish to use for Obfuscation.

  • Enter Mapping Details: For the selected data, specify a unique mapping name along with a brief description to effectively identify and utilize the mapping in future operations.

This mapping configuration process not only streamlines data selection and utilization but also enhances the organizational efficiency of data management within the Avo Assure ecosystem.

Configure Job

Data Requests Page

Navigate to the Data Requests page to initiate new data provisioning requests. This centralized interface simplifies the process of managing and monitoring your data needs.

  • The user has to click the Configure Job button. Note: To configure the job, the profiling status should be finished.

Select Dataset

Choose the dataset you wish to work with from an organized list of available data sources. This selection process is streamlined to help you quickly find and select the exact dataset required for Obfuscation.

  • The user has to click the Select button.

Compliance Template

Ensure your data handling complies with industry standards and regulations by applying predefined compliance templates. This step reinforces data governance and mitigates risk.

  • Select the required compliance template and click the Submit button.

Data Discovery

Explore and understand your data with enhanced discovery tools. This feature allows you to visualize your data, identifying patterns and insights that can improve testing outcomes.

Create Subset

Define targeted subsets of your data for Obfuscation. This functionality enables you to focus on specific segments of data, making your tests more efficient and relevant.

Obfuscate Data

Protect sensitive information within your datasets through data obfuscation. This critical step ensures privacy and compliance by masking identifiable information before data is used.

Select Data Provision Frequency

Set the frequency of your data provisioning to meet your testing schedules. Whether you need data refreshed daily, weekly, or on-demand, this feature provides the flexibility to align with your workflow.

Preview Config

Preview your configuration settings before finalizing the data provisioning job. This gives you an opportunity to review and modify settings, ensuring everything is set up as intended.

Submit Job

To execute the data provisioning job, click the Job Obfuscation button. Once you've confirmed your settings and configurations, submitting the job will initiate the process of preparing your data as defined.

How Can I Get This?

If the user upgrades to the latest version of Avo Assure to 24.1.0, this feature will be available automatically. If you are not part of this particular version, 24.1.0, contact Avoproductsupport@Avoautomation.com to get this version.

Last updated