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This is pre-built Action located under the @Generic Element Name, it tells the Avo Assure client to combine the two or more strings together which is given in the Input column and store the result in an output variable.
Input: <string1>;<string2>;…;<stringN] >
The strings to be concatenated are defined here separated by a semi colon.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>;<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
Scenario: Creating a Full Name from User Input in a Registration Form
In a user registration form of a web application, users are asked to input their first name and last name separately. For certain functionalities, such as displaying a welcome message or saving the user's full name in the database, you need to concatenate these two strings.
Input: The user enters their first name and last name in the registration form:
First Name: John
Last Name: Doe
Expected result: Both strings need to be concatenated with a space in between, resulting in ‘John Doe’
Output: The resulting concatenated string is stored in the {result} output variable as John Doe, which can be utilized for display or other purposes.