Get Current Day, Date, Time
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Description and Usage: This is a pre-built action in Avo Assure which is located under the @Generic element category. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to fetch the current date and time from the system according to the format specified by the user in the input value and subsequently store the result in the output variable.
Input: <format of date and time>
Supported Input Formats:
1. MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
2. dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss
Output: <Dynamic Variable> ;< Dynamic Variable> (Optional)
Use case/Example:
Scenario: Event Registration System
Consider a scenario where a user is testing an event registration system using which participants can sign up for events with specific start and end dates and timeings. The user needs to ensure that the system validates registrations based on the current date and timeand that they can register only for events that are open for registration. A Test Step can be created using the Get Current Date, Time to verify:
The current date and time to a moment before the event starts
Attempt to register for the event
Expected output: If the registration occurs at the correct date and time, then output should be Registration is successful.
Output: The Get Current Date,Time action is performed, and the current date and time are saves in the {result} output variable with the value as 10/10/2024 01:10:30 and is used for the registration system.
This is a pre-built action in Avo Assure which is Located under the @Generic element category. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to fetch the current day, date and time from the system and store the result in the output variable.
Input: N/A
Output: <Dynamic Variable> ;< Dynamic Variable> (Optional)
Consider a scenario where you are testing a task management application where. You can create tasks with deadlines. The application should automatically check whether tasks are overdue or upcoming based on the current Day, Date, Time. To ensure that the task management application correctly identifies tasks as Due Date based on their deadlines relative to the current date and time.
The current Day, Date, Time to match the task's deadline.
Check the status of the task.
Expected output: It should be verifying the task deadlines and then Identifies task status should be Due Today.
Output: The action performed and saves Current Day, Date, Time in the {result} output variable as Friday 11/10/2024 04:31:25.