Explore Exciting New Features with Our Informative Video Series v24.1.0

Welcome to our Avo new feature playlist showcasing the latest release, version 24.1.0, of Avo Assure! Together, we will dive into a series of informative videos where we introduce you to exciting new features, including the Centralized Element Repository, Generative AI capabilities, Tag a Test case functionality, Conversion of Non-Avo scripts to Avo scripts, and Custom Keywords. Stay tuned as we thoroughly explore each feature and demonstrate how they can enhance your Avo Assure experience.

Centralized Element Repository

The element repository feature is to create a centralized location where users can easily access and manage captured elements. This approach enhances efficiency and organization within the testing process by allowing users to visit the element repository and capture the required elements for their projects. By streamlining this process, we aim to minimize redundancy, improve collaboration among team members, and offer a more intuitive experience in creating and maintaining automated tests with Avo Assure.

AI Testcase

Generative AI feature that facilitates the creation of manual test cases by analyzing and extracting requirements directly from User stories or documents, whether they are stored in tools like Azure DevOps (ADO), JIRA, or within requirement documentation.

The AI Testcase automates routine tasks, reducing human effort and freeing resources for strategic work. It saves time and costs while accurately simulating user interactions to generate realistic test cases. This approach improves testing quality and ensures thorough evaluation of applications for various user behaviors.

Tag a TestCase

Tag A Testcase feature facilitates to streamlining the selection of test cases for execution configurations. This functionality enables users to tag testcases for easy identification and selection. Tag a testcase is a great feature for creating and labeling meta-data for users' test artifacts such as test cases and execution. The user can create as many attributes to test entities as possible and then filter them while creating the execution configuration.

Conversion of Non-Avo scripts to Avo scripts

The Avo Script Conversion feature facilitates the transfer of existing automation scripts from non-Avo tools to Avo Assure, which is streamlined using the Avo Genius extension. The Avo Genius extension has been designed to recognize patterns and logic from the user's current automation scripts, translating them into a compatible format for use within Avo Assure.

Custom Keyword

Custom keywords empower users to craft their unique keywords using a low-code approach. Custom keywords allow users to create their own reusable keywords to address specific testing requirements. Custom keywords offer an end-to-end solution for users seeking to tailor their automated testing experience. Starting from the design phase, users employ a low-code interface to define their own keywords, addressing specific testing scenarios that standard keywords cannot cover effectively.

Custom keywords tailored to specific element types are used across the project. Example: When the user creates a custom keyword for a textbox or button, that keyword is exclusive to the textbox and button across the project.

Journey & Folder Views of Mindmap

The primary goal of the Journey View within the Design Studio is to enhance the user experience by providing a more intuitive and streamlined approach to understanding and navigating the progression of the Test Suite by consolidating the Screen and Test Steps nodes into a single Test Step entity (Test Step Group) and presenting them in a linear journey from left to right.

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