Impact Analysis

This feature will automatically analyze the changes in the application and identify which test scripts need to be updated. This saves time and effort by pinpointing the exact areas that require attention, allowing users to focus on relevant test case maintenance tasks.

  1. The user has to navigate to the Avo Assure home screen.

  2. The user has to select the required project from the Project list.

  3. The user has to click the Design Studio button, and the Design Studio window will be displayed.

  4. To get the Testcase context menu, the user has to click the Testcase icon.

  5. The user has to click the Impact Analysis button, and the Analyze Scenario dialog box will be displayed.

  6. The user has to select the required browser from the Browsers List and click the Start button.

  7. The Avo Assure client will display the progress of the Impact Analysis. Also, the Avo Assure client will display the Live comparison of the screens.

  8. Once the Analysis is done, the Impact Analysis window will be displayed.

  9. If there are changes in the element properties, the Avo Assure Client will display the Changed Elements.

  10. If not-found/deleted elements are in the element properties, the Avo Assure client will display the Not Found/Deleted Elements.

  11. If newly found elements are in the element properties, the Avo Assure client will display the Newly Found Elements.

  12. Suppose there are no changes in the element properties. The Avo Assure client will display the Unchanged Elements.

  13. There is an option to replace or delete the newly found/deleted elements.

  14. To delete the element, the user has to select the required element and click the Delete icon.

  15. To replace the element, the user has to select the required element and click the Replace button. The Replace Element window will be displayed.

  16. The user has to click on the Full Scrape Elements type to expand the type of the newly captured elements.

  17. To highlight the element, the user has to click the Eye icon, and the element highlight will be displayed in the web application.

  18. The user must click the Show All Elements button to view all the not found elements.

  19. To map the not-found elements, the user has to drag them from the Not Found Elements section and drop them into the Full Scrape Elements section.

  20. To link the element, the user has to click the Submit button. A toast message will be displayed as Elements Replaced Successfully.

  21. To un-link mapped elements, the user has to select the element and click the Un-Link button.

  22. To add newly found elements to the test step, the user has to click the Newly Found Elements accordion header.

  23. Select the required element and select the required action from the Choose Action drop-down.

  24. To add the element to the repository, the user has to select the Add Element option.

  25. To add the element to the test step, the user has to select the Add to Test Step option.

  26. The Add to Test Step window will be displayed, and the user has to click the Yes button.

  27. The element will be added to the Design Test Step.

  28. The ✅ (tick mark) will display that there is no impact on the screen.

  29. The ⚠️ (caution mark) will display that there is an impact on the screen.

Last updated