

Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to clear the text from the textbox.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, it clears the text from the textbox, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {Clear}.

Keyword: CLICK

Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to click on the specified text box.

Note: The “Press” keyword can also be an alternative to “Click”.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, the click operation will be performed on the textbox, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {click}.

Keyword: GETTEXT

Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to get the text from the textbox and save the results in the output variable.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, the text of the textbox will be fetched and stored in variable {getText}, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {Get}.


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to get the maximum text box length defined by the developer and save the result in the output variable.

Note: This keyword fetches the maximum number of supported characters by the text box, not the user input character length.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, the maximum length of the textbox will be fetched and stored in variable {len}. The execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {Status}.

Keyword: PRESS

Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to click operation on the specified text box.

Note: This keyword is useful where mouse down press operation is involved.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, the press operation will be performed on the textbox, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {press}.


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to send individual keystrokes to the textbox.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, the text will be entered in the specified textbox, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {SendValue}.


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to accept an encrypted text and pass the decrypted value into the application.

Note: To provide encrypted text as input to the setSecureText keyword, the user should encrypt the required text using “AES Encryption” from the tool encryption utilities.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, the decrypted text will be entered in the specified textbox, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {SecuredText}.

Keyword: SETTEXT

Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to enter text in the textbox.

Note: The “sendvalue” keyword can be used as an alternative.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, the operation will set the provided text, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {SetText}.


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to verify if the text in the textbox is the same as in the input field.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debugs, the text provided will be verified, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {verify}.


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to verify the maximum length of the text box to the value provided in the input field.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, the maximum length of the textbox is verified with the input provided, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {verifyLen}.


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to accept an encrypted text and send the individual keystrokes to the application.

Note: To provide encrypted text as input to the sendSecureValue keyword, the user should encrypt the required text using “AES Encryption” from the tool encryption utilities.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, the decrypted text will be entered in the specified textbox, and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {SecuredValue}.

Last updated