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Note: Common keywords for all objects like button, textbox, radio button, checkbox, dropdown, list, tab, table, tree, etc.
Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to hover the mouse on the specified object/element.
Keyword | Input Syntax | Output Syntax | Supported Input Formats |
MouseHover | NA | (Optional) | NA |
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the operation will place the mouse pointer on the object, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {MouseHover}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to set the focus on the specified element/object
Keyword | Input Syntax | Output Syntax | Supported Input Formats |
SetFocus | NA | (Optional) | NA |
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the provided object will be focused, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {SetFocus}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to verify whether the specified object is enabled on the AUT Desktop page.
Keyword | Input Syntax | Output Syntax | Supported Input Formats |
VerifyEnabled | NA | (Optional) |
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it verifies if the object is enabled, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {VerifyEnabled}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to verify whether the specified object is disabled.
Keyword | Input Syntax | Output Syntax | Supported Input Formats |
VerifyDisabled | NA | (Optional) | NA |
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debugs, it verifies if the element is disabled, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {VerifyDisabled}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to verify if the object is read-only.
Keyword | Input Syntax | Output Syntax | Supported Input Formats |
VerifyReadOnly | NA | (Optional) | NA |
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it verifies if the element is ReadOnly, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {VerifyReadOnly}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to verify if the object is visible.
Keyword | Input Syntax | Output Syntax | Supported Input Formats |
VerifyVisible | NA | (Optional) | NA |
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it verifies if the object is visible, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {VerifyVisible}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to verify if the object is hidden.
Keyword | Input Syntax | Output Syntax | Supported Input Formats |
VerifyHidden | NA | (Optional) | NA |
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it verifies if the object is hidden on the web page of AUT, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {VerifyHidden}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to verify the object's existence.
Keyword | Input Syntax | Output Syntax | Supported Input Formats |
verifyExists | NA | (Optional) | NA |
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it verifies if the object exists, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {verifyExists}.