Radio Button


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to get the status of the radio button and save the result in the output variable.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

For the above keyword, after the test case debug, the operation will fetch the radio button status and store it in variable {Status}, and the execution status “Selected”/ “Unselected” will be stored in the second output variable (if specified).


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to select the radio button.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

For the above keyword, after the test case debug, the operation will select the radio button, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the output variable (if specified).

Keyword: CLICK

Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to click on the radio button.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

For the above keyword, after the test case debug, the Click operation will be performed on the radio button, and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the output variable (if specified).

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