
To enable the execution of tests at a large scale, administrators can create a Grid by combining multiple Avo Agents. This approach allows for parallel execution of tests across different environments, further enhancing the capabilities of the Elastic Execution Grid.

Steps to Create a Grid:

  1. The user has to log in to Avo Assure with Admin Avo Assure credentials.

  2. The user has to click the Grids button, and the Grids window will be displayed.

  3. The user has to enter the grid name in the Enter Grid Name field.

  4. The user has to select the required no. of agents.

  5. The user has to click the Save button. The Grid will be created and displayed in the Grid table.

Grid Execution:

  1. To create an execution profile, refer to the section Create Execution Configuration. Note: From the Any Agent drop-down, select the grid you created.

  1. To execute the test flow with Avo Agent/Grid, refer to the section Execute with Avo Assure Agent/Grid.

Last updated