01. Bitbucket Integration

Why Was This Developed?

Integrating Bitbucket with Avo Assure streamlines testing, enhancing efficiency, reliability, and collaboration. Version control tracks changes to test plans and scripts, preserving a history of modifications. Backups ensure tests and configurations are securely stored in a remote repository. Branching and merging enable users to isolate new tests or features for testing before integrating them into the main branch after review and testing.

What is the Goal?

The Bitbucket Integration feature provides a more streamlined, efficient, and collaborative testing process that leverages the benefits of version control, backup security, and the flexibility of branching and merging strategies to ensure high-quality software development with faster, more reliable outcomes.

How Does It Work?

Integrating Bitbucket into Avo Assure has several benefits:

  • Version Control: Ensures all changes to test plans and scripts are tracked. This helps maintain a history of what was changed, by whom, and why.

  • Collaboration: Enhances teamwork by allowing multiple team members to work on different aspects of the project simultaneously without overwriting each other's work.

  • Backup: Acts as a backup mechanism. All your tests and configurations are safely stored in a remote repository.

  • Branching and Merging: Allows you to create separate branches for new tests or features, enabling testing in isolation. Later, these can be merged into the main branch after thorough review and testing.


  • A Bitbucket user should be created to perform any Bitbucket action (Commit and Push).

  • A Project should be created inside the Bitbucket.

Bitbucket Configuration in Avo Assure

  1. The user has to navigate to the Avo Assure home screen.

  2. The user has to select the project from the All Projects list.

  3. The user has to click the Settings button.

  4. The user has to click the Manage Integrations button, and the Manage Integrations window will be displayed.

  5. The user has to click the Versioning tab, and the Versioning window will be displayed.

  6. The user has to select the Bitbucket from the drop-down menu.

  7. The user has to select the User from the Select User drop-down menu.

  8. The user has to select the Project from the Select Project drop-down menu.

  9. The user has to enter the Bitbucket Configuration name in the Enter Bitbucket Configuration text box.

  10. The user has to enter the Bitbucket Access Token in the Enter Bitbucket Access Token text box.

  11. The user has to enter the Bitbucket URL in the Enter Bitbucket URL text box.

  12. The user has to enter the Bitbucket User Name in the Enter Bitbucket User Name text box.

  13. The user has to enter the Bitbucket Workspace in the Enter Workspace text box.

  14. The user has to enter the Bitbucket Branch in the Enter Bitbucket Branch text box. Note: a) Users can create the branch while configuring Bitbucket in Avo Assure. b) Users can manually create the branch in Bitbucket.

  15. The user has to enter the Bitbucket Project Key in the Enter Key text box. Note: Enter the Project Key on which the user wants to create the branch.

  16. The user has to click the Create button.

  17. Avo Assure Client will display A toast message stating that Configuration created successfully.

Edit Bitbucket Configuration

  1. The user has to click the Edit button, and the Edit Bitbucket window will be displayed.

  2. The user has to select the User from the Select User drop-down menu.

  3. The user has to select the Project from the Select Project drop-down menu.

  4. The user has to edit the required fields and click the Update button.

  5. Avo Assure Client will display A toast message stating that Configuration updated successfully.

Delete Bitbucket Configuration

  1. The user has to click the Edit button, and the Edit Bitbucket window will be displayed.

  2. The user has to select the User from the Select User drop-down menu.

  3. The user has to select the Project from the Select Project drop-down menu.

  4. The user has to click the Delete button, and the Delete Configuration window will be displayed.

  5. If the user wants to delete, click the Yes button. If the user doesn't want to delete, click the No button.

Bitbucket Commit/Push for the Configured Project

  1. The user has to navigate to the Avo Assure home screen.

  2. The user has to select the project from the All Projects list.

  3. The user has to click the Design Studio button, and the Design Studio window will be displayed.

  4. The user has to click the Bitbucket button, and the auto-filled Bitbucket Configuration window will be displayed.

  5. To reset the configuration, the user has to click the Reset button.

  6. To save the configuration, the user has to click the Save button.

  7. A toast message will be displayed stating that bit configuration updated successfully.

  8. The user must select Commit from the Select drop-down menu, and the Bitbucket Commit Configuration window will then be displayed.

  9. The user has to enter the Version in the Enter Version Name text box.

  10. To commit/push the module to Bitbucket, select the required modules from the list and click the Arrow icon. Note: The user can select multiple modules to commit/push.

  11. The user must enter the Comment in the Enter Your Comment text box.

  12. The user has to click the Commit & Push button, and a toast message will be displayed as Test suite(s) pushed to Bitbucket.

Bitbucket Restore of the Configured Project

  1. The user must select Version History from the Select drop-down menu, and the Version History window will be displayed.

  2. The user has to select the Project from the Select Destination drop-down menu. Note: The selected project should be Empty, and the Bitbucket configuration must be completed before proceeding.

  3. If the user has no empty project, click the Create Project button to create a new project, and the Create Project window will be displayed.

  4. The user has to enter the Project Name in the Enter Project Name text box.

  5. The user has to select the Application Type from the Select Application Type drop-down menu.

  6. The user has to click the Create button, the Bitbucket Configuration window will be displayed, and enter the required Bitbucket details.

  7. The user has to click the Create button, and a toast message will be displayed as the Bitbucket configuration created successfully.

  8. The user has to select the Bitbucket Configured project from the Select Destination drop-down menu.

  9. The user has to click the Restore button, and to view the restored Bitbucket project, select it from the Select Project drop-down menu.

How Can I Get This?

If the user upgrades to the latest version of Avo Assure to 24.0.3, this feature will be available automatically. If you are not part of this particular version, 24.0.3, contact Avoproductsupport@Avoautomation.com to get this version.

Last updated