03. LDAP Configuration
Why Was This Developed?
The integration of LDAP/SAML authentication to Avo Assure seeks to enhance security for service providers. This approach improves authentication methods, increasing the platform's security for users. By incorporating LDAP/SAML authentication, Avo Assure streamlines the login process for users while strengthening the security of the service provider's platform.
What is the Goal?
The LDAP/SAML configuration feature is designed to significantly enhance the platform's security for both users and service providers. This integration aims to streamline the login process for an improved user experience and fortify the security framework of the service provider's platform, making it more robust against potential security threats, leveraging advanced identity management solutions to minimize reliance on traditional, less secure password-based systems by leveraging advanced identity management solutions.
How Does It Work?
Create LDAP Configuration
The admin has to navigate to the Avo Assure home screen and log in to Avo Assure with valid Avo Assure Admin credentials.
The admin has to click the SAML Configuration button, and the Create SAML Configuration window will be displayed.
The admin has to enter the server name in the Enter Server Name field.
The admin has to enter the server URL in the Enter Server URL text box.
The admin has to enter the base domain name in the Enter Base Domain Name text box.
The admin has to select the options for Secure Connection. By default, the Disable option will be selected. Note: The admin doesn't have to provide a valid TLS certificate.
If the option for Secure Connection is selected as Enable, then the admin will be required to provide a valid TLS certificate.
To upload the certificate, the admin has to click the Choose button.
Choose the downloaded certificate from the system folder and click the Open button.
The admin should select the Anonymous authentication type option if authentication is not required. Note: The authentication type must be chosen.
The admin must select the Simple authentication type option if authentication is required.
On selecting Simple, the Authentication Principal and Authentication Credential fields are enabled.
If the Simple option is selected, the admin has to enter the Bind Principal and Bind Credential fields with valid data. Note: Bind Principal is the username, and Bind Credentials is the password for the organizational authentication.
The admin has to click the Test button.
The configuration will be tested, and if no mistakes are made in the data provided, the admin will be prompted that the test for the LDAP configuration was successful.
Once the test succeeds, the Data Mapping Settings will be enabled.
The admin can map the fields in which fields from the organization directory will be used as the username, first name, last name, and email in Avo Assure.
Once the data mapping is done as required, the admin has to click the Create button. Note: This completes the LDAP configuration process.
Update LDAP Configuration
To update the LDAP configuration, the admin has to click the Edit button.
Select the name specified for any previous LDAP configuration to edit its configuration details. The admin has to select the server name from the Select Server drop-down.
If required, edit the configuration details (Server URL, Base Domain Name, and Certificate).
The admin must click the Update button to update the changed LDAP configuration.
Delete LDAP Configuration
To delete the LDAP configuration, the admin has to click the Edit button.
Select the name specified for any previous LDAP configuration to delete its configuration details. The admin has to select the server name from the Select Server drop-down.
To delete an existing LDAP configuration, the admin has to click the Delete button.
How Can I Get This?
If the user upgrades to the latest version of Avo Assure to 24.1.0, this feature will be available automatically. If you are not part of this particular version, 24.1.0, contact Avoproductsupport@Avoautomation.com to get this version.
Last updated