3. Centralized Element Repository

Why was this developed?

With the introduction of the latest element repository feature, users can now efficiently recognize and reuse screen elements in a project. The centralized element repository ensures that if an element needs to be reused in other screens, it can be easily reused and implemented without re-capturing, thus saving time and eliminating redundancy.

What is the Goal?

The element repository feature creates a centralized location where users can easily access and manage captured elements. This approach enhances efficiency and organization within the testing process by allowing users to visit the element repository and capture the required elements for their projects. By streamlining this process, we aim to minimize redundancy, improve collaboration among team members, and offer a more intuitive experience in creating and maintaining automated tests with Avo Assure.

How does it work?

  1. The user has to navigate to the Avo Assure home screen.

  2. The user has to select the project from the All Project list.

  3. The user has to click the Element Repository button, and the Element Repository tab will be displayed.

  4. The user has to click the Create Repository button, and a toast will be displayed as Repository added and saved.

  5. The user has to expand the repository to capture the elements.

  6. To capture the elements, the user has to click the Capture button, and the Element Repository window will be displayed.

  7. The user has to click the Capture Elements button.

  8. The user has to select the browser from the List of Browsers and click the Capture button. The Web-Element Identification window will be displayed.

  9. The user has to enter the URL in the URL field and click the Go button.

  10. To capture the elements, the user has to click the Start button.

  11. The user has to click and capture the required elements.

  12. Once the capture elements are done, the user has to click the Stop button.

  13. All the captured elements will be displayed on the Element Repository window.

  14. The user has to click the Save button.

Edit Element Repository

  1. To add a new repository, the user has to click the Add Repository button. The toast message will be displayed as the Repository is added and saved.

  2. To rename the repository, the user has to right-click on the Repository Name. Note: The user can rename the repository as per the requirement.

  3. To rename the element name, the user has to click the Element Name. Note: The user can rename the element as per the requirement.

  4. To view the element properties, the user has to click the Edit icon, and the Element Properties window will be displayed.

  5. To delete the element, the user has to click the Delete icon.

  6. To delete the repository, the user has to click the Delete button.

  7. To copy the element, the user has to right-click the element and click the Copy button. Note: The user can copy the element from one repository to another repository.

  8. To paste the element, the user has to right-click the element and click the Paste button.

  9. Once the element is copied, then the element will be highlighted as Reused.

  10. To delete the reused element, the user has to click the Delete icon, and the Confirmation dialog box will be displayed.

  11. To delete the element everywhere, the user has to click the Delete Everywhere button.

  12. To delete the current element, click the Delete current button.

Use of Element Repository in Design Studio

  1. The user has to navigate to the Avo Assure home screen.

  2. The user has to select the project from the All Project list.

  3. The user has to click the Design Studio button, and the Design Studio window will be displayed.

  4. To create a test suite, the user has to click the '+' (Add) icon, and a test suite will be created.

  5. To get the test suite context menu, the user has to click the Test Suite icon.

  6. To add a testcase, the user has to click the Add Testcase button, and a testcase will be created.

  7. To get the testcase context menu, the user has to click the Testcase icon.

  8. To add a screen, the user has to click the Add Screen button, and a screen will be created.

  9. To access the repository, the user has to clear the screen name.

  10. The user has to select the required repository, press the Enter key, and click the Save button.

  11. To get the screen context menu, the user has to click the Screen icon.

  12. To view the repository elements, the user has to click the Element Repository button.

  13. Saved elements will be displayed in the Element Repository.

Select the repository from the drop-down

  1. The user has to create a screen to select the element repository inside the Element Repository window.

  2. To select an element repository, the user has to click the Element Repository button.

  3. The user has to select the required Element Repository from the Select from Repository drop-down.

  4. The user has to click the Save button.

How can I get this?

If the user upgrades to the latest version of Avo Assure to 24.0.1, this feature will be available automatically. If you are not part of this particular version, 24.0.1, contact Avoproductsupport@Avoautomation.com to get this version.

Last updated