Shell Operations


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to select the options from the context menu of the Shell object and save the result in the output variable.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example, after the test case debug, Avo Assure Client will select the “Field: CARRID” menu item from the “shell_shl”. If an output variable is provided for execution, the status “True”/ “False” will be stored.


Description: This keyword or action instructs Avo Assure Client to set text on the Sheel object and save the result in the output variable.

Find the snippet of the keyword below:

In the above example after the test case debug, Avo Assure Client will set text “INCC” in the “shell_shl” object. If an output variable is provided for execution, the status “True”/ “False” will be stored.

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