Single Sign-On Configurations

Single Sign-On (SSO) in Avo Assure simplifies the authentication process by allowing users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. This feature enhances security by reducing password fatigue among users and minimizing the risk of password-related breaches. Configuring SSO in Avo Assure involves setting up an identity provider (IdP) and integrating it with the Avo Assure service. This ensures that users can seamlessly access Avo Assure along with other applications within their ecosystem, improving the overall user experience and increasing productivity.

Configure an identity provider (IdP)

To configure SSO in Avo Assure, you need to generate metadata by setting up an identity provider (IdP). Avo Assure supports all SAML IdPs that conform to the SAML 2.0 protocol. You can follow the steps mentioned in the below section to learn how to configure IdP in the Okta platform.

Okta Integration

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