BitBucket Restore
Let's view how to restore a project configuration from a Bitbucket repository.
Bitbucket Restore Bitbucket restore feature within Avo Assure refers to the process of retrieving and reinstating a project configuration from a Bitbucket repository. This feature ensures that users can access prior project states, thus safeguarding against accidental deletions, data losses or Version management.
Select Project Select the Project form all Projects section available on the left side of the landing Page -> Click Design Studio -> Click Select dropdown and select Version History
Select the Destination Project When prompted to Version History window, select the project from the Select Destination dropdown menu where the Bitbucket configuration should be restored. Ensure that the destination project is empty. In case if the destination project is not empty project, click Create Project button to create a new project this will navigate to the Create Project window.
Steps to Create Project Enter Project Name -> Select Web from the Application Type dropdown -> select User -> Click (>) arrow icon -> Click Create button
After Creating new Project, Bitbucket Configuration window appear
Bitbucket Configuration Bitbucket configuration helps restore the data that needs to be configure with Avo Assure and Bitbucket. The necessary configuration fields that needs to be filled to Restore the project: ⦁ Bitbucket Configuration: A descriptive name for the configuration. ⦁ Bitbucket Access Token: Token used for authentication with Bitbucket account. ⦁ Bitbucket URL: URL where Bitbucket repository is hosted. ⦁ Bitbucket User Name: Bitbucket user name associated with the account. ⦁ Bitbucket Work space: Workspace in Bitbucket where the project is saved. ⦁ Bitbucket Branch: The specific branch use for integration. ⦁ Bitbucket Project Key: The key associated with the Bitbucket project for identification. Note - Verify the project key is same as Bitbucket Project Key
Click Restore Click Restore button in the confirmation prompt to finalize the restoring. This will complete the restoration process for the Bitbucket integration. After confirming the restoration, a toast message appears stating that the Bitbucket configuration has been restored successfully. This message confirms that the integration is now active and ready for use.
Outcome of Restore process
Now, all the restored data can be seen in project
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