Convert Non-Avo Script to Avo Script
Login to Avo Assure, to navigate to Avo Assure landing page.
Click Utilities tab to navigate to utilities window
Click Migrate scripts option and Click Migrate button
After clicking Migrate button, Non Avo to Avo Migration window gets opened where project and Test Suite can be created
Click Create Project textbox, to navigate to Create project window
Enter project name in Project Name textbox and Select Web from Application Type dropdown Select user from Select Users to assign them to that project. Click (>) arrow Click Create button.
After creating project, a toast message stating ‘Project created successfully’ appears on the screen
Click Create Test Suite, to navigate to Create Test Suite window
Enter Test Suite name and click Create button
After successfully creating the Test Suite, toast message as appears confirming the creation ‘Test Suite created successfully’
Click Start Migration button
This opens a pop window of Avo Genius with the message Recording Started; Run desired Non-Avo Script to convert it in Avo Script.
Stop and Save recording after recording the Non-Avo Script in Avo Assure
This will recording the non-Avo script by capturing the test execution process from an existing script created using any other automation tool.
Now navigate back to landing page of Avo Assure to see the project which we have converted into Avo script from Non-Avo script
Last updated