Testing with CloudALM

Learn about testing with Cloud ALM after mapping the Testcases in Cloud ALM with that of Avo Assure's.

Steps for Testing

  1. Navigate to the Home page of SAP Cloud ALM by clicking the SAP icon on the top-left corner

  2. Go to SAP Test Preparation in the SAP CloudALM Application

  3. Select the Testcase as necessary

  4. Click on the Test Execution button on the top-right corner of the page; Testcase description page will appear on the screen

  5. Click on the Execute button to start the execution of the Testcase; two windows appear on the screen:

  • Avo Assure Agent starts the testing and returns the Execution status as successful or failed if there are errors in its terminal window; minimize the window once done

  • The SAP Application window shows the execution of the Testcase automated; minimize the window once done

  1. Refresh the page to see the status of the execution completed, upon its completion, to view the Test results in SAP Cloud ALM

  2. Click Open Execution Log on the right to view the execution steps

  3. Click Pretty-print check box to show the log in a better format

Testing complete!

To View Test Results in Avo Assure:

  1. Navigate to the Avo Assure Home Screen

  2. Choose the project from ALL PROJECTS list

  3. Click the Overview icon and select the Reports button; the Reports section appears

  4. Click on the Execution Profile (report) that is to be viewed; you will see the Execution List of the report in detail

  5. Click on the View Reports icon; the Result Summary tab of the test execution of SAP Cloud ALM testcases will appear with all the Test Step details

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