5. Unified Reporting for Project Test Suites and Test Cases

Why Was This Developed?

Previously, reports were limited to individual test cases, allowing users to download specific information for a single testcase. With the improved feature, users can now download comprehensive execution reports. Tailored for various roles such as Quality Manager, Quality Lead, and Quality Engineer, this report offers a holistic view of the execution process.

What is the Goal?

The unified report feature provides a streamlined, efficient, and comprehensive approach to analyzing test execution results. By allowing the download of a single, detailed PDF report, users can gain a holistic understanding of the execution process. This improvement is designed to save valuable time and enhance the decision-making process for roles including Quality Managers, Quality Leads, and Quality Engineers, ultimately leading to more informed and strategic outcomes in the quality assurance domain.

How Does It Work?

Executive Summary Report:

The Executive Summary Report offers users a succinct overview of their test suite execution outcomes. Designed for efficiency, this report highlights the total number of test suites and test cases executed, presenting vital information at a glance. It serves as a strategic tool for Quality Managers, Leads, and Engineers, enabling them to quickly assess the test's success and make informed decisions without delving into the minutiae of each test case.

Summary Report:

The summary report is used to understand the progress and results of test suite executions quickly. It aggregates the outcomes of the test suites, presenting a clear overview of the total number of test suites and test cases executed. Additionally, it furnishes details about the Test Suite Execution Status for each test case, making it easier to identify areas that require immediate attention.

Detailed Report:

Detailed reports in Avo Assure provide an in-depth analysis of test suite executions, giving users the ability to scrutinize every aspect of their test cases. These reports offer comprehensive information upon downloading, including the total number of test suites, detailed test case execution outcomes, and specific test step execution statuses. Whether in PDF or JSON format, the detailed report offers a granular view of each test case, enabling users to precisely identify and address areas of concern in their testing processes. This feature is especially beneficial for those seeking detailed insights and analysis.

  1. The user has to navigate to the Avo Assure home screen.

  2. The user has to select the project from the All Project list and click the Report button, and the Report window will be displayed.

  3. To view the reports for an execution profile, the user must select the Execution Profile Card. The execution list for the selected execution profile will be displayed.

  4. To download the reports, the user has to click the Download icon, and the Download dialog box will be displayed.

  5. To download the executive summary report, the user must select the Executive Summary radio button from the Export Level, click the Download button, and the report will be downloaded to the downloads folder. Note: The Executive Summary report highlights the total number of test suites and test cases executed, presenting vital information at a glance.

  6. To download the summary report, the user must select the Summary radio button from the Export Level, click the Download button, and the report will be downloaded to the downloads folder. Note: The summary report highlights the total number of test suites and test cases executed and the Test Suite Execution Status for each test suite.

  7. To download the detailed reports, the user must select the Detailed radio button from the Export Level, click the Download button, and the report will be downloaded to the downloads folder. Note: a) Detailed reports offer comprehensive information, including the total number of test suites, detailed test case execution outcomes, and specific test step execution statuses. Whether in PDF or JSON format. b) Select the Export PDF radio button from the File Type to download the detailed reports in PDF format. c) Select the Export JSON radio button from the File Type to download the detailed reports in JSON format.

How Can I Get This?

If the user upgrades to the latest version of Avo Assure to 24.0.1, this feature will be available automatically. If you are not part of this particular version, 24.0.1, contact Avoproductsupport@Avoautomation.com to get this version.

Last updated