Verify Exists
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This ‘verifyExists’ is pre-built Action Located under the captured Element. It instructs the Avo Assure client to verify the existence of a captured element, this Action ensures that the specified element is present and visible on the screen and store the result in output.
Note: When using the Verify Exists action, the captured element will be highlighted on AUT.
Input: N/A
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional) ;<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
Consider a scenario where a user is testing a shopping application, the user wants to check if a specific element "Buy Now" button exists or not on the page. To do this the verifyExists action can be used.
Expected result: This action should verify that the captured button element exists on the screen and store the result in output variable.
Output: The action verifies the captured element exists on the screen, and the output variable {Result} contains 'True', which can be used for display or further processing.