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The DoubleClick Action in the Avo Assure is found under the @Custom Element. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to double-click on the object as specified in the input and save the status (True/False) in output variable.
Input: <ObjectType>;<VisibleText(Optional)>;<Index>;<Row;Column(Table-Optional)>
Note: The user needs to provide the type of object, its visible text of the element (if needed), it’s element index and row/column number.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
User is testing the financial transaction module in SAP GUI. A table displays various financial entries, and the user needs to double-click on a specific entry to open the details of a particular transaction. Using DoubleClick Action in Avo Assure user can easily perform double-click on that object.
0 as an index value of the table.
2 as row number of the table.
1 as column number of the table
The SAP GUI application should open the details of the transaction corresponding to the selected row/column and save the result in output variable.
The DoubleClick action opens the transaction details for the selected row/column and stores the {result} in the output variable as True.