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The SelectValueByIndex Action in the Avo Assure is found under the @Custom Element. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to select the value from the dropdown according to the index for the list specified in the input and save the status (True/False) in output variable.
Input: <ObjectType>;<Visible Text (Optional)>;<Index>;<Input value>
Note: The user needs to provide the type of object, its visible text of the element (if needed), it’s element index and it’s input value.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
User is testing the creation of a purchase order in SAP GUI. During this process, the "Payment Terms" dropdown must be automated to select the 3rd option from the list. Using the SelectValueByIndex action in Avo Assure, the user can efficiently automate the selection of the dropdown option based on its index, ensuring accuracy and repeatability in the test case.
The dropdown should expand and displays all the available options, and the 3rd value (at index 3) should select and save the result in output variable.
The dropdown expands and displays all the available options, and the 3rd value (at index 3) is selected and save the {result} in output variable as True.