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The GetElementText Action in the Avo Assure is found under the @Custom Element. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to fetch the text of the element/object as specified in the input and save the status (True/False) in output variable.
Input:<ObjectType>;<VisibleText(Optional)>;<Index>;<Row;Column(Table- Optional)>
Note: The user needs to provide the type of object, its visible text of the element (if needed), it’s element index and row/column number.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>;<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
User is testing the SAP GUI login page to verify that the username field displays the correct user ID after a successful login. User is automating a test case where the SAP GUI application logs in using predefined credentials and then verifies that the username is correctly displayed in the username input text field.
input as a ObjectType
0 as an index number
The GetElementText Action should fetch the text of the username and save the result in output variable.
The GetElementText Action fetched the text of the username and save the result {getElement} in output variable as acap3.