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The Click Action in the Avo Assure is found under the @Custom Element. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to click on the object as specified in the input and save the status (True/False) in output variable.
Input: <ObjectType>;<Visible Text(Optional)>;<Index>;<Row;Column(Table- Optional)>
Note: The user needs to provide the type of object, its visible text of the element (if needed), its element index and number of row and column.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
When executing an SAP application, user enters the shipping address in the required fields. To save the shipping details, you need to click save button to perform click operation. You can also use the click action in the Avo Assure. By specifying the locator of the "Save" button in the input, the click action can be used to automatically click the "Save" button and complete the process of saving the shipping address.
Input: button;;0
Expected Result: The Click action needs to click on save button and save the status in Output variable.
Output: The Click action clicks on save button and stores in the {result} output variable as “True”, which can be utilized for display or other purposes.