Select value by index
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This is pre-built Action located under the @Custom Element Name. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to select the object based on the index value specified in the input.
Input: <ObjectType>;<VisibleText(Optional)>;<index>;<listindex>
Listindex: it starts with 0
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
User is working on a desktop application for an e-commerce platform where users can filter products by categories in a dropdown menu. The categories include options like "Electronics", "Fashion", "Home", and "Toys". The Select value by index needs to select the "Home" category from a dropdown list.
The categories are displayed in the dropdown in the following order:
Note: To select the "Home" category, the index of "Home" is 2 (because the list is 0-indexed)
The Select value by index Action needs to select the value (Home) from the dropdown.
The Select value by index Action selects Home value from the dropdown.