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The SetText Action in the Avo Assure is found under the @Custom Element. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to set the text on the element which is specified in the input and save the status (True/False) in output variable.
Input: <ObjectType>;<Visible Text (Optional)>;<Index>;<Input Text>
Note: The user needs to provide the type of object, its visible text of the element (if needed), it’s element index, and its input text.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
In SAP GUI, when creating a sales order (VA01), various fields such as customer information, product codes, and order details need to be filled in. The SetText Action in Avo Assure automates this process by entering predefined value as IN01 into the Sales Organisation field, simulating user input.
The text should be entered into the "Sales Organisation" field in the specified object and save the result in the output variable.
The text IN10 entered the "Sales Organisation" field in the textbox and save the {result} in the output variable as True.