AI Template

The document outlines the steps to create AI template in Avo Assure.

Add new Template

  1. Login in into Avo Assure with admin credentials.

  2. Navigate to Admin Section> > Feature Management> > AI Template.

  3. Click Add new Template.

a. Name: Enter name of the template in Name Field

b. Description: Enter description of template in Description Field

c. Industry Domain: Enter industry domain in Industry Domain Field

d. LLM Model: Select LLM Model from dropdown

f. Test Type: Select Test Type from the Test Type dropdown. The test type can be Positive cases, Negative Cases, Edge cases, or all

g. Accuracy: Enter accuracy of model through text Field or Slider

h. Active: Turn on to toggle Active Status

  1. Click Save button to save the details

Edit Template

  1. Login into Avo Assure with admin credentials

  2. Navigate to Admin Section > Feature Management > AI Template

  3. Click Edit Icon for required template to bring up the edit window with the prefilled details

  1. Update required parameters

  2. Click Save button to save the updated changes

Delete Template

  1. Login into Avo Assure with admin credentials

  2. Navigate to Admin Section > Feature Management > AI Template

  3. Click Delete Icon for required template

Last updated