Enhanced Elastic Execution Grid

Why was this developed?

In the previous version of Avo Assure, whenever the user wants to execute the test cases, the user had to face key challenges. Those key challenges will be like

  • If it is manual testing, the user will get slow releases and require more time to execute the test cases.

  • If it is automation, the user has to execute one-by-one test cases and requires more time to execute the test cases.

  • Scalability - If the user wants to execute the test case in one or ten environments. So, the user must test it in different environments individually.

Now Avo Assure team has developed Elastic Execution Grid, which offers the ability to execute test cases on large scale with rapid execution times, which is also framework independent.

Elastic Execution Grid will give the user a platform to execute many test scenarios on a large scale, and those executions will be completed in less time. And there is no framework, like no hardware and software dependencies where the user wants to execute their execution.

How does it look?

How does it work?


A group of Avo Assure Clients makes Avo Agent. The system will host agents on the cloud or on-premises. Note: Agent will take care of the Avo Assure Client.

Steps to install Agent

  1. The admin has to log in to Avo Assure with Admin Avo Assure credentials.

  2. The admin has to click the Manage Agents button as shown below.

  1. The admin has to click the Link provided at the manage agents window, as shown below.

  1. Get the Agent window will be displayed, the admin has to click the Download button as shown below and avoagent.exe will be downloaded.

  1. The admin has to provide the avoagent.exe to the user. The user has to run the avoagent.exe file in their system. Note: Only the admin role will be able to manage the agents.

  2. Once the admin provides the avoagent.exe file, the user has to copy the avoagent.exe file and paste it into a required folder, as shown below.

  1. The user has to Double-click on the avoagent.exe file.

  2. The AvoAgent Configuration window will display as shown below.

  1. The user has to enter the Avo Assure server URL in the https:// box and click the Submit button, as shown below. Note: a. The Port box will be read-only. b. The user has to enter the Avo Azure server URL, where the test scenarios will be executed.

  1. Once the user clicks the Submit button, the system will install the agent. Once the agent is installed, the agent will automatically download the Agent Avo Assure Client (package), as shown below. Note: Once the execution is started through Agent/Grid, then execution will be triggered by Agent Avo Assure Client.

  1. The agent will install the Agent Avo Assure client (Package), as shown below.

  1. Once Installation is done, the admin will make the Avo Assure Client as Active status and provide the number of Avo Client Count, and then click the Save button, as shown below.

  1. The system will generate a toast message, as shown below.


Grid is a combination of agents. If the user wants to execute multiple agents, then the admin can create a grid with a combination of agents.

Steps to create a Grid

  1. The user has to click the New Grid button, create a new grid window will be displayed, as shown below.

  1. The user has to enter the grid name in the Avo Grid Name box, as shown below.

  1. The user has to select the required active Agents from the list and click the Save button as shown below. Note: The system will not show the agents which are in the inactive state.

  1. The system will generate a toast message and display a new grid on the grid home page. After the successful creation of the grid, the user can execute modules.


  1. The user has to click the Execute button from Avo Assure home page, as shown below.

  1. Execute Profile window will display, as shown below.

  1. The user has to click the Add Profile button from the execution profile window, as shown below.

  1. Create Execution Profile window will be displayed, as shown below.

  1. The user has to enter the profile name in the Profile Name box, as shown below.

  1. The user has to select the Execution type, as shown below

  1. The user has to select the required Module from the modules list, as shown below.

  1. The user has to select the Avo Agent/Avo Grid provided by the admin, as shown below.

  1. The user has to select the browser from the Select Browsers box, as shown below.

  1. The user has to click the Save button.

  1. If the user wants to provide the execution parameters, then user can create a profile by using execution parameter icon.

  2. The user has to click the Execution Parameter icon, and the execution parameter window will be displayed.

  1. The user has to enter the required details like Data Parameterization, Condition, App Type, and Accessibility Standard, and click the Save button, as shown below.

  1. The execution profile name will be displayed in the execution profile table.

  1. The user has to click the Execute Now button as shown below.

  1. Execute now window will be displayed, as shown below.

  1. The user has to select the Avo Agent/Avo Grid radio button and click the Execute button, as shown below.

  1. The system will generate a toast message, as shown below.

  1. The user can view the execution list in Manage Execution Queue, as shown below.

  1. Once execution is completed, then user can view the report in the Reports plugin.

How can I get this?

If the user upgrades to the latest version of Avo Assure to 23.1.0, this feature will be available automatically.

Last updated