Set secure text
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This is pre-built Action located under the @Custom Element Name. It instructs the Avo Assure Client to accept an encrypted text and pass the decrypted value into the application.
Input: <ObjectType>;<VisibleText(Optional)>;<index>;<encrypted text>
(Encrypted text: the text which needs to be provide as encrepted needs to be encrypt in AES encryption method)
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
User is working on a desktop application for an online banking platform, where users need to log in using their username and password. The password is stored securely as an encrypted value in the test data file or database, and user need to perform the login process. The password is decrypted at runtime, and the decrypted password is passed into the login form.
The "Set secure text" Action should securely handle the encrypted password, decrypt it at runtime, and set the decrypted password into the password field of the login screen.
The Set secure text Action writes decrypted text into the Password field.