Mapping Test Cases(Zephyr)

  1. After logging in, choose all necessary selections required for the Zephyr project using dropdowns present in the left-side panel of the screen. This includes selecting the project, project type, and selecting the repository/release type. On the right-side panel, of the screen there are Avo projects that can be associated with Zephyr

  1. Select the checkboxes based on the functionality performed on the AUT, click the Map and then Save button to save it

There are 2 types of mapping: n-to-1 and 1-to-n.

n-to-1 Mapping

More than one item is selected in the left-side panel and one checkbox is selected in the right-side panel.

1-to-n Mapping

One item is selected in the left-hand side panel and more than one check box is selected in the right-side panel.

  1. Navigate to the View Mapping to see the functionalities mapped to the selected project.

Use the toggle button to switch between displaying the mapping of the test cases in Zephyr and Avo Assure.

In off mode

When the toggle button is off, it will display the mapping of Zephyr test cases to Avo Assure test cases.

In on mode

When the toggle is on, it will display the mapping of Avo Assure test cases to Zephyr test cases

Note: Make sure to have a created Mindmap, all the required elements captured and saved in the repository as well as test steps designed and ready for configuration.

Last updated
