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Navigate to the Avo Assure page using the link in the mail
Login with provided Credentials
Navigate to the Admin Section available in the left pane of the window
Click on User management > Users
Click the Create button available in the top right corner of the window
Fill all the necessary details and select the user role using the Primary Role dropdown
Hit the Create button, after providing and validating entered details, to create the user.
Configuration: Select required Configuration. See:
a. Select Configuration: Select Default using the Select Configuration Dropdown
b. User Name: Enter username in the User Name Field
c. First Name: Enter first name of the user in in First Name Field
d. Last Name: Enter last name of the user in the Last Name Field
e. Password: Enter Password in the Password Field
f. Confirm Password: Re-enter the password in Confirm Password field
f. Secondary Role: Select the Check. Note:(Admin as secondary role only applicable for Quality Manager).
Click Create button
To generate Client provision in Avo Assure navigate to the Avo Assure Client Provision tab to bring up Assure Client Provision window
Now in the displayed Assure Client Provision window.
Enter Client name in the Avo Assure Client Name field
Click Generate button to generate the token
Copy/Download the Token and paste it in notepad for future reference
Note: Select Configuration and User Name cannot be edited
Edit the Required Fields
Click Update button from the botton right corner of the window
g. Primary Role: Select user role using the Select Role Dropdown See:
f. Primary Role: Select User role See:
The document provides the step to create a user in Avo Assure,