1. New UI/UX
Why was this developed?
Based on feedback from various privileged users of Avo Assure, the UI and user experience has been improved such that it’s much easier to use the application. A few of the modules where the user was experiencing difficulties have been relooked into, for example, Assigning tasks, creating mindmap, etc.
How does it look?
Sl No
Avo Assure version 22.2.0
Avo Assure version 23.1.0
How does it work?
Avo Assure has introduced a new onboarding experience for product users.
Revamped Avo Assure Login page
The login page allows users to log in to Avo Assure by entering their credentials.
1) Username: The user must enter the username provided in the ‘Welcome to Avo Assure’ email or enter a verified email address specified during the trial registration process.
2) Password: The user must enter the password.
3) Forgot Username or Password: If the users have forgotten their Username or Password, they can change the password by clicking the Forgot Username or Password link. An email will be sent with a link to reset the Username or Password.For more information, refer section Forgot Username or Password.
4) Login: After entering the login credentials, click the login button.
Revamped Avo Assure home page.
The Avo Assure team has enhanced the Avo Assure home page, as shown below.
Notification bell icon:
The bell icon provides the updates in the Avo Assure. Note: Disabled for trial users, it will be available as part of the subscription.
Trial User Profile: Clicking on the user icon displays below:
User role – Displays the role of the currently logged user. Ex: Test Lead Note: The user will have access to all the plugins: Avo Genius, Reports, Utilities, and Avo Assure client provision.
Download Client – Clicking this download, the latest version of the Avo Assure client.
Settings – To manage the user settings.
Logout – To log out from the application successfully.
Plugins Section:
The plugins section provides the user with a view of all the available plugins. Clicking on the plugins takes the user to the respective plugin page.
1) Plugins:
Avo Genius – Smart recorder to capture end-to-end test scenario(s).
Reports - The user can view, analyze, and export reports based on test executions.
Utilities – Utilities for encryption and data tables.
Dashboard – Create, view, and manage your test automation.
Integrations - Configure Avo Assure to integrate with external systems.
2) Projects: The user can view and work on the assigned projects.
Design – The user can create a mind map(s), scrape objects, and design test scenarios.
Execute - The user can execute multiple scenarios at a module level of Execution, and the user can execute only the scenarios at Scenario level Execution.
Creating Mindmap
Mindmaps allow the user to capture end-to-end test flow for further automation.
It provides an intuitive way to organize test Scenarios/Test Cases.
There are two important test flows in mindmaps:
1. Create Modules – To create a new project, the user can create a new project for executing Test cases.
2. End-to-End Flow - An End-to-End test flow is used when the requirement is for executing scenarios that belong to different projects.
Start creating a test flow in mindmap
A test flow is created as following nodes:
A) Module
B) Scenario
C) Screen
D) Test steps
The user has to click the Design button on the Avo Assure home page, as shown below.
The user has to select the project from the Project drop-down.
Click the + (Add) icon to Import/Create New module, as shown below.
If the user clicks on Create New a module will be created, as shown below.
If the user clicks on the module, Module Context Menu will be displayed as shown below.
If the user clicks the Add Scenarios button, Add Node window will be displayed, as shown below. Note: The user can Add or Delete multiple nodes according to the requirement.
The user has to click the Create button to Add or Delete node, as shown below.
If the user clicks the Rename button, the user can rename the existing module as shown below. Note: Node naming standards a) Name must contain at least one ‘underscore’ (_). b) Name can contain alphanumeric values. c) No special characters are allowed except ‘underscore’ (_). d) Name of a node cannot exceed 255 characters.
If the user clicks the Add Scenario button, a scenario will be created, as shown below.
If the user clicks on the scenario, Scenario Context Menu will be displayed as shown below.
If the user clicks the Add Screens button, Add Node window will be displayed, as shown below. Note: The user can Add or Delete multiple nodes according to the requirement.
The user has to click the Create button to Add or Delete node, as shown below.
If the user clicks the Avo Genius (Smart Recorder) button, a confirmation window will be displayed as shown below. If the user click the Yes button Avo Genius smart recorder will start, for more info refer Error! Reference source not found.. If the user click the No button Avo Genius smart recording will not start.
If the user clicks the Rename button, the user can rename the existing scenario as shown below.
If the user clicks the Delete button, delete confirmation window will be displayed as shown below. If the user clicks the Yes button the created scenario will delete. If the user clicks the No button the created scenario will remains same.
If the user clicks the Add Screen button, a screen will be created as shown below.
If the user clicks on the screen, Screen Context Menu will be displayed as shown below.
If the user clicks the Add Testcases button, Add Node window will be displayed, as shown below. Note: The user can Add or Delete multiple nodes according to the requirement.
The user has to click the Create button to Add or Delete node, as shown below.
If the user clicks the Capture Elements button, capture elements window will be displayed as shown below.
If the user clicks the Rename button, the user can rename the existing screen as shown below.
If the user clicks the Delete button, delete confirmation window will be displayed as shown below. If the user clicks the Yes button the created screen will delete. If the user clicks the No button the created screen will remains same.
If the user clicks the Add Testcase button, a testcase will be created as shown below.
If the user clicks on the Testcase, Testcase Context Menu will be displayed as shown below.
If the user clicks the Design Test Steps button, design test steps window will be displayed as shown below.
If the user clicks the Rename button, the user can rename the existing testcase as shown below.
If the user clicks the Delete button, delete confirmation window will be displayed as shown below. If the user clicks the Yes button the created testcase will delete. If the user clicks the No button the created testcase will remains same.
28.The user has to click the Save button and the system will display a toast message as shown below.
Scraping Objects on Web
Object Identification (Scraping) is the process of identifying the unique properties of objects from the AUT (Application under test). The user can identify objects using the below methods.
Click and Add
Full Page Object Identification
Click and Add Objects
Note: Any of the supported browsers can be used to identify objects on a web page by using the Click and Add feature.
If the user clicks on the screen, Screen Context Menu will be displayed as shown below.
The user has to click the Capture Elements button as shown below.
Capture Elements window will be displayed as shown below.
Select all
The user can select all the captured elements.
Edit Objects
The user can edit the objects name.
The user can rearrange the captured elements.
The user can save the captured elements.
The user can delete the captured elements.
Browser Drop-down
The user can select the required browser.
The user can capture the elements.
Insprint Automation
The user can create the automation by looking at the user story specification. The user can capture the actual element and map when the application is ready.
Upgrade Analyzer
The user will be using Create Object and Replace Object which are existing functionality of Avo Assure to demonstrate how the user can handle that delta changes of the product.
Other Actions
The user can create element, export element, and import element.
The user has to click the Capture button as shown below.
The system will display AvoAssure Object identification window as shown below.
The user has to enter the URL in URL box and the user has to click the Navigate button as shown below.
The system will navigate to the entered URL as shown below.
The user has to click the Start ClickAndAdd button as shown below.
The user has to capture the require elements as shown below.
Once the user is done with capture element, then the user has to click the Stop ClickAndAdd button as shown below.
All the captured elements will appear on the Capture Elements window, as shown below.
The user has to click the Save button to save all the captured elements, as shown below. Note: Unsaved elements will be indicated with highlighted color.
The system will display a toast message as shown below.
Scrape an Entire Webpage
This feature is used to identify all the objects on the web page or all objects of a particular object type using any of the supported browsers.
If the user clicks on the screen, Screen Context Menu will be displayed as shown below.
The user has to click the Capture Elements button as shown below.
Capture elements window will be displayed as shown below.
The user has to click the Capture button as shown below.
The system will display Scrapping window as shown below.
The user has to enter the URL in URL box and the user has to click the Navigate button as shown below.
The user has to select Full, from Scrape Type drop-down and the user has to click the Scrape button as shown below.
All the captured elements will appear on the Capture Elements window, as shown below.
The user has to click the Save button to save all the captured elements, as shown below. Note: Unsaved elements will be indicated with highlighted color.
The system will display a toast message as shown below.
Design Test Case
Create a Test Case
Design a test case to automate a web application through following ways.
If the user clicks on the Testcase, Testcase Context Menu will be displayed as shown below.
The user has to click the Design Test Steps button, as shown below.
Design test steps window will be displayed as shown below.
Add Test Step
The user can add required number of test steps with the help of Add Test Step icon.
Edit Test Step
The user can edit the required test step with the help of Edit Test Step icon.
Select Test Step(s)
The user can select the required test step with the help of Select Test Step(s) icon.
Drag and Drop Test Step(s)
The user can drag and drop the required test step with the help of Drag and Drop Test Step icon.
Copy Test Step
The user can copy a test step with the help of Copy Test Step icon.
Paste Test Step
The user can paste a test step with the help of Paste Test Step icon.
Skip Test Step
The user can skip a test step with the help of Skip Test Step icon.
Save Test Case
The user can save a test step with the help of Save Test Step button.
Delete Test Step
The user can delete a test step with the help of Delete Test Step button.
Browser drop-down
The user can select browser with the help of Browser drop-down.
The user can debug test case with the help of Debug button.
Import Test Case
The user can import test case with the help of Import Test Case button.
Export Test Case
The user can export test case with the help of Export Test Case button.
The user has to click the + (Add Test Step) icon, test step will be add as shown below.
The user has to click the Edit test Case icon to start the Test Case authoring, as shown below.
Element Name
All the objects present in the corresponding screen will be visible in this column.
Keyword column provides a list of all the actions that can be performed on the object selected in the column.
Input column provides a placeholder for the user to provide relevant input to the action being performed.
Output column provides a placeholder for the user to obtain relevant output after the step has been executed.
The user can add test step related details.
The user has to click the Object Name drop-down, to select the object on which the action needs to be performed.
The user has to select Keyword drop-down, select the corresponding keyword as shown below. Note: For a complete list of Web keywords, refer Web Keywords.
The user has to add the corresponding Input and Output values if required and click the Enter button on the keyboard.
The user has to click the + (Add) button to create a new test step in the Test Case.
Repeat the process to complete the test case.
The user has to click the Save button to save the Test Case.
The system will display a toast message as shown below.
Debug a Test Case
The user has to select the required browser from Browser drop-down as below. Note: Use Add Dependent Test Cases option if other Test Cases have to be debugged before the current Test Case.
The user has to click the Debug button and the system will display a toast message as shown below.
Execute Test Flow
The user has to click the Execute button from the Avo Assure home page, as shown below.
Execution Profile window will display as shown below.
The user has to click the Create Profile button from the execution profile window, as shown below.
Create Execution Profile window will be displayed, as shown below.
The user has to enter the profile name in the Profile Name box, as shown below.
The user has to select the Execution type, as shown below
The user has to select the required Module from the modules list, as shown below.
The user has to select the Avo Agent/Avo Grid from Any Agent dropdown as shown below.
The user has to select the browser from the Select Browsers box, as shown below.
If the user wants to provide the execution parameters, then user can create a profile by using execution parameter icon.
The user has to click the Execution Parameter icon, and the execution parameter window will be displayed.
The user has to enter the required details like Data Parameterization, Condition, App Type, and Accessibility Standards, and click the Save button, as shown below.
The user has to click the Save button.
The execution profile name will be displayed in the execution profile table and the system will display a toast message, as shown below.
The user has to click the Execute button as shown below.
Execute Now window will be displayed, as shown below.
The user has to select the Avo Assure client radio button, select the Available Avo Assure client and click the Execute button, as shown below.
The system will generate a toast message, as shown below.
Once the execution is completed, the system will display Execution Status window, as shown below.
Once execution is completed, then user can view the report in the Reports plugin. Or the user can view the reports by clicking the Reports link, as shown below.
User Access to Reports
Functional Reports
The user can access to view the reports in Report Plugin. And through the following Reports options.
Export JSON
View HTML Report
The user has to click the Reports plugin on the Avo Assure home page.
Testing Reports window will display, as shown below.
The user has to click the Functional test button, as shown below.
Functional Test window will display as shown below.
The user has to select project from Select Project drop-down, select release from Select Release drop-down, select cycle from Select Cycle drop-down and select batch/module from Select Batch/Module drop-down, as shown below.
If the user wants test configure key, then user has to select configure key from Select Configure Key drop-down, as shown below.
Once the user selects the module/batch, the system will display executions for the selected module/batch, as shown below Note: To view the reports, select the execution instance from the list of executions. The system will display these executions in sorted order (oldest to latest).
The user has to select the execution instance, and the system will display its executed scenarios, as shown below.
The system will display the following options on hovering over any scenario a) Export JSON b) View HTML Report.
If the user expands the scenario entry, the system will display additional information regarding its execution.
The user has to click the Export JSON icon to download the JSON format report, as shown below.
The user has to click the View HTML report icon to view the report, as shown below.
If the user clicks the View HTML Report icon, the report of the selected scenario will be displayed in a new browser tab, as shown below.
If the user wants to export the report in JSON format, then the user has to click the Download icon as shown below.
Result Summary (Collapsible Panel) includes: a) Scenario Name b) Project c) Domain d) Cycle e) Release f) Start Date and Time g) End Date and Time h) Time Elapsed i) Test Case Status (Pass, Fail, and Terminated)
The user can view the Test Step Table as shown below.
The user can filter the test step Status, with the help of Filter by drop-down as shown below. If the user selects the Pass status, the system will display the Passed test steps. If the user selects the Fail status, the system will display the Failed test steps. If the user selects the Terminated status, the system will display the Terminated test steps.
Reports via E-mail
The user will get E-mail notification, after the complete execution as shown below. Note: The user will get E-mail notification to the registered E-mail from Avo Assure Alerts.
How can I get this?
If the user upgrades to latest version of Avo Assure to 23.1.0, then this feature will be available automatically.
Last updated