Verify Folder Exists
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The Verify Folder Exists action in the Avo Assure is found under the @Generic Element is used to check if a folder exists at the specified location and store the result in an output variable.
Input: <folder_path>;<folder_name>
Output: <Dynamic Variable>(Optional);<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
Before backup important project files on user systems, user can check if the backup folder exists at C:\New Folder. If the folder isn’t there, user can create it. This ensures that when it’s time for the backup, everything is in place and no files are lost.
Input: Provide the input values as below:
C:\;New Folder
Expected Result: It should verify whether the “New Folder” exists in the given location.
Output: The Verify Folder Exists action confirms that the folder exists in the C:\ drive and save the result in the {result} output variable as “True”. If folder does not exist then it shows the “False”, this output can be used for display.