Get File Content
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Description & Usage: This action, found under @Generic Element Name, directs the Avo Assure Client to extract content from a .txt or .pdf file and store it in the output variable.
Input: For Text: <file path>; <line number>(optional)
This syntax is for a.txt file where the user needs to provide the file path and line number which will retrieve the content from assigned line number of declared .txt file.
For PDF: <PDF_Filepath>;<pageNumber>; <start string(optional)>;<EndString(optional)>;<image/all/text(optional)>
This syntax is for .pdf file where user needs to provide file path, page number (from file which page needs to retrieve) of the PDF
If user need more accurate/ exact content then, in above syntax user can add a Starting String (from which it must begin retrieving) and an Ending String (until which it must end)
Image: When user write ‘image’ in Input syntax it retrieves all images content present on the page within .pdf file.
All: When user write ‘all’ in Input syntax then it retrieves all content including image and text data from desired page within .pdf file.
Text: When user write ‘text’ in Input syntax then it retrieves all the text content from desired page within .pdf file.
Output: <Dynamic Variable>;<Dynamic Variable>(Optional)
A web application allows users to submit feedback. The goal is to ensure that the application correctly processes various feedback messages.
To automate the submission of feedback messages from a PDF, the script utilizes the "get content from file" action to read the messages through the scenario and then submit them through web application.
Expected Result: It needs to retrieve the contents of provided file path and save the resulting content in output variable.
Output: This Action will store the fetched content of the file in {result} Variable, which can be utilized for display or other purposes.