Checkbox/ Radio Button
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The input field which specifies the status when object was scraped is:
0 – unchecked
1 – Checked
The input specified in the test case is given higher priority than that of the status mentioned/ selected while editing the IRIS object properties.
If no input is specified then the value is fetched from the scrape screen when the IRIS object feedback was specified. (Refer ‘Avo Assure – User Guide’, Section ‘6.8 Object Identification – IRIS’)
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify the current state of the checkbox/ radio button.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<status when object scraped - 0/1>
{Variable}; {Status}
Static values
Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below (when IRIS object is checked at the time of scrape):
Find the snippet of the keyword below (when IRIS object is unchecked at the time of scrape):
Note: The input value has to be 1 if the iris object at the time of scraping is checked and 0 if the iris object at the time of scraping is unchecked.
In the above example after the test case debug, {Output} variable contains value of the object’s status, that is, either “checked/ unchecked”.