Assigning Projects
Aspects of Avo Assure Project Assignment
Last updated
Aspects of Avo Assure Project Assignment
Last updated
A user can be assigned to one or multiple projects. This is done in the ‘Assign Projects’ section. To log in to Avo Assure, the user should be assigned to one or more projects.
The assignment of projects to the users is performed as below:
Log in as an admin user, navigate to the ‘Assign Projects’ section on the Action Bar.
Select a ‘User’ from the user dropdown.
Select the ‘Domain’ from the dropdown.
Projects belonging to the selected user under the selected domains will be displayed.
Select one or more projects in the ‘All Projects’ list box.
6. Click on the ‘Move to right’ icon to move the selected projects from the ‘All Projects’ list box to the ‘Assign Projects’ list box.
7. To assign all projects to a user, click on the ‘Move all to right’ icon.
8. To un-assign selected projects from a user, click on the ‘Move to left’ icon. 9. To un-assign all projects from a user, click on the ‘Move all to left’ icon. 10. Click on the ‘Save’ button to successfully assign/un-assign projects to/from the users.